The New e-Appeal: Information for Parties with Pending Appeals
Updated: January 30, 2024
All Users with cases pending before MSPB as of October 1, 2023
All individuals, including those who were registered in the Board's former e-Appeal Online system, must complete the full registration process to access the new e-Appeal. Appellants, appellant representatives, and agency representatives who do not complete the new e-Appeal registration process will not be able to access their assigned cases or file pleadings using e-Appeal. The Board's regulation at 5 C.F.R. § 1201.14(e)(5) requires agency representatives and appellant attorney representatives to register as e-filers in the new e-Appeal. No one may e-file a new appeal or a pleading, or view the case record in an assigned appeal, unless registered as an e-filer in e-Appeal.
5 C.F.R. § 1201.14(e)(2).
e-Appeal Registration Process: You will create an account as a "NEW USER" and complete the following steps:
- Select your user role
- Read and consent to the e-filer obligations and responsibilities
- Provide your name and email address of record with MSPB
- Select your username and password

Next, you will receive an email from MSPB confirming that you have submitted a request to create a new e-Appeal account and indicating that your request has been placed in a queue for processing.
When your request has been processed, you will receive another email from MSPB confirming that you have registered your email address in e-Appeal and asking you to verify your email address. You must click the link in the email to complete the registration process.
Finally, you may return to the e-Appeal main page and log in as "RETURNING USER." Follow the steps to complete the two-factor authentication process. When you log in, you will be brought immediately to your dashboard which will display your contact information on record with MSPB, and any cases to which you are assigned as an appellant, appellant representative, or agency representative.
If your email address has changed and you cannot register using your email address on record with the Board, please complete the registration process with your new email address. Once you can successfully log in to e-Appeal, please contact the Office of the Clerk of the Board (for cases pending on petition for review) or the appropriate regional or field office for assistance in associating your pending case(s) with your new e-Appeal user account.
Finally, if your mailing address, phone number, or email address have changed, you must update your e-Appeal profile with your current information. Then, you must submit a pleading with your change of contact information in your pending case(s). 5 C.F.R. § 1201.26(a)(2). Instructions for submitting a pleading are available in the e-Appeal General User Guide.
For general questions about this process, please email the Clerk's Office at If you experience any technical issues in registering for a new account, please submit an e-Appeal Technical Support Ticket.
Agency Representatives and Agency Legal Support
If you are an agency representative or agency legal support, you cannot complete your individual e‑Appeal registration until you have been preregistered in e‑Appeal by your Work Unit. If you have not been preregistered, please contact the designated Initial Contact or an e-Appeal Superuser for your Work Unit. If you have been preregistered, you can complete your individual e-Appeal registration as set forth in the Account Registration Guide that is available on the e-Appeal Information Hub. When completing your individual e‑Appeal registration, you must provide your preregistered email address. For more information about functionality available to agency representatives and agency legal support, please see the Agency User Guide that is available on the e-Appeal Information Hub.
Technical Support
If you experience technical issues while creating your account or you do not see your assigned cases after logging in for the first time, please submit an e-Appeal Technical Support ticket. MSPB will investigate and resolve all technical support issues through the online ticketing process.