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Contacts and Locations

MSPB Jurisdiction

MSPB Jurisdictions

Headquarters, Washington, DC

1615 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20419
map / directions
(202) 653-7200 - telephone
(202) 653-7130 - fax - email
Petition for Review (PFR)
Status Inquiries
Email your name & docket number
(202) 653-7200 - telephone
PFR Mediation Appeals Program (MAP) (202) 653-6772 - telephone
If you have general questions about the MSPB's regulations or procedures, you may contact our office at (202) 653-7200 or by email at If you would like to speak in person to a member of the Clerk's office, you must first schedule an appointment by calling or emailing our office. The Clerk's Office may not be able to accommodate requests for same day appointments. Please note that because of the Board's independent, quasi-judicial functions, we cannot provide advisory opinions or advice on your particular situation.
Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance Program Manager
(771) 210-1648
Accounting Officer Vacant
Budget Officer
(771) 210-1522
Contracting Officer
(202) 653-6772
EEO Director and Requests for Reasonable Accommodation
(771) 210-1627
Facilities Officer
(771) 210-1482
FOIA Service Center
(202) 653-6772
General Counsel Allison Boyle
(202) 653-6772 - Telephone, (202) 653-6203 - Fax
Inspector General Please visit:
Legislative Counsel Lance Seibenhener
(771) 210-1582 - Telephone, (202) 653-6203 - Fax
MSPB Studies
(202) 653-6772
Public Affairs
(202) 653-7200
Public Financial Disclosure Reports or Other Covered Records

MSPB Headquarters -- Office of Regional Operations

Director of Regional Operations Laura Albornoz
1615 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20419
map / directions
(202) 653-6772 - telephone

Regional and Field Offices

Atlanta Regional Office
401 W. Peachtree Street, NW
10th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30308-3519
map / directions
(404) 730-2751 - telephone
(678) 804-4646 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Thomas J. Lanphear
Appellate Jurisdiction Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee
Videoconferencing John Aretz
Central Regional Office
230 South Dearborn Street
31st Floor
Chicago, IL 60604-1669
map / directions
(312)353-2923 - telephone
(312) 886-4231 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Vacant
Appellate Jurisdiction Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas City (KS), Kentucky, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin
Videoconferencing Pamela Jackson
Washington DC Regional Office
Washington DC Regional Office
1901 S. Bell Street
Suite 950
Arlington, Virginia 22202
map / directions
(703) 756-6250 - telephone
(703) 756-7112 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Jeremiah Cassidy
Appellate Jurisdiction Washington, DC, Maryland (counties of Montgomery and Prince George's), North Carolina, Virginia, and all overseas areas not otherwise covered
Northeastern Regional Office
1601 Market Street
Suite 1700
Philadelphia, PA 19103
map / directions
(215) 597-9960 - telephone
(215) 731-3962 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Vacant
Appellate Jurisdiction Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland (except Montgomery and Prince George's counties), Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgin Islands, and West Virginia
Videoconferencing Dennis Matthews
Dallas Regional Office
1100 Commerce Street
Room 620
Dallas, TX 75242-9979
map / directions
(214) 767-0555 - telephone
(214) 767-0102 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Joel Alexander
Appellate Jurisdiction Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas
Videoconferencing Ann Chisolm
Western Regional Office
1301 Clay Street, Suite 1380N
Oakland, CA 94612-5217 map / directions
(510) 273-7022 - telephone
(510) 273-7136 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Sara Snyder
Appellate Jurisdiction Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Pacific overseas
Videoconferencing Western Regional Office
Denver Field Office
165 South Union Boulevard
Suite 318
Lakewood, CO 80228-2211 map / directions
(303) 969-5101 - telephone
(303) 969-5109 - fax
Chief Administrative Judge Stephen Mish
Appellate Jurisdiction Arizona, Colorado, Kansas (except Kansas City), Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming
Videoconferencing Western Regional Office